Given Sri Lanka’s recent history - the culmination of a 25 year civil war which ended in 2009, the Easter Sunday Bombings of 2019 which sends ripples of shock around the island, the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the constitutional and economic crisis of 2022, the island is at an environmental crossroads. With the competition for resources growing and the effects of climate change tightening its grip, human and wildlife populations are being pushed to the brink. However, despite the situation on the ground, Sri Lanka and its people have proved to be a resilient nation.
With the government not being able to allocate adequate resources and funding towards protecting and restoring Sri Lanka’s ecosystems, it is necessary for community intervention. Despite its status as a global biodiversity hotspot, none of the larger international non governmental environmental organisations work in Sri Lanka.
To fill this void and galvanise local and global communities towards the protection of the island’s natural resources, the Lanka Environment Fund was established in 2019. The Lanka Environment Fund allows individuals and businesses to aid in the protection and restoration of Sri Lanka's richness and be a part of creating a greener, responsible and cleaner Sri Lanka. For more information on how you can join us on this journey, visit ‘Get Involved’.